Thursday, July 22, 2010

All In A Day's Work

If you want something done, just ask an overwhelmed mom. We have been blessed with the ability to do 15 things at once and not hurt anyone in the process (although sanity may be in question).

Today was another typical day for our over scheduled crazy busy family.

It started with peaceful, loving intentions to give the best of me to my children, after all, they deserve nothing less. As I am tugging covers back and opening blinds with children who are pleading to sleep longer I wonder how long I will remain sweet & patient?

Not long ~ I can't quite decide which event changed it all.

It must have been falling down the steps this morning on my way to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Or it could have been the dog poop I got on my finger when cleaning up the backyard.

Come to think of it, it was most likely the drive I made all the way to my kids school to realize I forgot the birth certificates on the kitchen counter.

Crazy day spent driving all over kingdom come, passing snacks in the car, jamming and singing along to Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber (lucky, lucky me ~ insert sarcastic tone) sitting in traffic that is not budging, talking to my GPS as it has, yet again failed me, trying to appreciate living in a town where the only type of parking is parallel parking and meters that continue to eat my quarters at rapid speed.

After we got through gymnastics, hockey, piano, an appointment with our energy healer & a trip to Whole Foods I drag myself & the groceries upstairs to realize it is 6:40 and dinner still has to be made.

As I begin cooking:

The dogs drop toys at my feet to play
I run upstairs to throw a load of laundry in
I compliment my daughter's new piano song she memorized
Yell to my stinky son to shower
Clap for my little one who is practicing full sentences
Make a much overdue customer service phone call
Empty & reload the dishwasher
Negotiate for later bed times
Look for lost doll shoes
Fix a ponytail
Apply a bandaid
Admire beautiful drawings with great detail
Answer a philosophical questions to my son who wonders why God allows so many children to never have the chance to be adopted
Remind my 7 y.o. that dancing to Rihanna songs in that fashion are not age appropriate
Air out a nasty, sweaty hockey bag so the gear is ready for the next use
Open mail and make tomorrow's to-do list

Whew, It's time to eat! Did I forget anything?

Yes, the most important part about today: Hayden who has a level 4 (RAST score of 25.0 -Very high level of allergen) to egg & has had anaphylactic responses to it requiring an epi-pen ate an even bigger dose today!!!!! We are thrilled and I intend to share details about his treatment in future blog posts.



  1. I'm laughing and crying at the same time. You're amazing Amanda! I can just picture the type of inappropriate dancing to Rihanna that was happening in your kitchen!!!

  2. Thank you for the unending love and support through all of this. I can't wait to see you soon for a much needed get away!
